Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Disney Junior Carnival !!

The Disney Junior Carnival was a success. The guests were welcomed by a ticket booth with a tote bag that had 20 tickets inside .. 
The tote bags said " I survived Hadyn's Carnival " 
Totes bags available on www.cakesbypreciousjewel.com

The children were excited to see all the games .. 

There was a ring toss game .. " Special Agent Oso's Ring toss " 

"Octonaut's ping pong fish game" 

To play the game, the kids were given a bucket filled with ping pong balls and if you landed 3 balls in the glass jars, you win a beta fish!! If you didn't you received a stripe boxed filled with gold fish : )

"Little Einstein's Disk drop game"

The disk drop game had laminated numbers on the floor I front of it. The kids had to put a ticket on the number and drop a disk to see what number it lands on. If the disk lands on the kid's number they win a yellow ticket that could be redeemed at the end of the party at the prize table

Mickey's Spin and Win !!

The spin to win game was similar to the disk drop game ...

"Bean bag toss game"

" Lollipop Pyramid Game and Ballon Dart Game " I built the dart board base out of peg board and 1by4 boards with hinges attached. 

The children had a ball with the sand art station 

The concession stands
Popcorn Machine, Snow Cone Machine, Cotton Candy Machine, & Hotdog and Nachos Cart !!

Face Painting 

It wouldn't have been a carnival without "The caricaturist" 

All the kids were able to get their faces drawn !! 

Kids Roller Coaster !! A must have at any kids event .. The kids really enjoyed it !! It's an Awesome ride !! 

Any house hold with kids should own a bounce house !! Great for any party !! 

Candy Table !!

Prize Table!!

Table setting and centerpieces !! Pop corn buckets filled with popcorn and balloon arrangements !! Stripe plates and matching wrapped silverware !! 

Linen from www.cakesbypreciousjewel.com

Photo booth at the party !! A must have !! Everyone enjoyed it !! 

Body Boppers are so much fun !!

18 ft Dry Slide was a hit!!

I made Carnival Shirts for all the helpers!! 
Front and back of shirts !! Putting together a carnival is a lot of work and wouldn't be successful with out the help of others. There were family and friends at each booth to help out with the games !!

Lots of good food !! 

The cake was amazing !! Made by www.cakesbypreciousjewel.com

Of course the King of Disney himself was there along with the Queen !! 
Mickey & Minnie !! 

What a party !!! There were over 300 pictures I had to sort through !! Hope you enjoyed them !! It was fun planning this event for my son's first birthday ! A lot of hard work but it all came together !! 

Want us to plan your next party? 
Check out www.cakesbypreciousjewel.com for specials 

Talk to you soon!!
-Temira : )